August 18, 2012

Wow...I mean, really....Wow. 

It's been 6 years since I started this blog.  If I was at Catholic confession, I would rephrase this as "forgive me father, it's been 6 years since my last confession."  I'm not catholic but I may view some of this as confessions but since you are not "GOD" you have no room to judge me so zip it. As it is ever-apparent, I do go off on tangents when I write so forgive me for that.  However, that should give you a little glimpse into my thought processes....scattered and random.  So, I gotta catch up for the last several years.  I am probably going to be changing this blog up as I go (blog, not post).

I think I'll have different categories for my ramblings.  Maybe one on religion (blech), family, travel, etc.  We'll see.  I am a virgo and I do love organization and have such disdain for starting a project and not finishing it.  So you might as well know now that I'm disappointed with myself.  

I was reading through some of my likes and dislikes from 2006.  My how I have changed.  Screw Sonic and their Blasts.  They suck.  I've discovered Braums mix.  They are the bee's knees.  What the hell does that mean anyway?  Bee's knees?  Someone research that and get back with me.  Kthxbai

Ok, so right now I'm off to discover what all this blog application will allow me to do.  Check back later sucka's!

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