August 18, 2012

It's Not Fair

*Disclaimer:  this is apparently a post I wrote a month after my mom died which would be sometime the end of December.  So this is not in chronological order with the rest.  (sounds like my brain sometimes, not in order)

It is NOT fair. This could go for so many things in this world. Such as having to work five days a week, not having enough tequila when you are making beer margarita's, or having your favorite show cancelled. Yeah, all those things aren't really fair in relation to where you are in life.

However, in reference to my title, I'm meaning how my mom was taken from her family. I say 'taken' because that's how it feels. I suppose someone could argue the fact that we had 6 months with our mom before cancer took her so it wasn't like a big shock when she died. But that's how we felt the last 6 months of her life....shocked. I'm still shocked. She died last month and I'm still in shock. It's not fair that she left. It's not fair that she spent her entire life taking care of everyone else and this is the thanks she gets: CANCER. There are a lot of evil-doers out there, mean people who hurt children, rape women, kill innocent people. Why couldn't they suffer like my mom did? They deserve what she had to go through. She was one of the good guys. A selfless caregiver. She was put in situations that would stress the strongest of all people to their max and she lived it every day. She should've been given the opportunity to have some peace and quiet and live her life with no stress. She wasn't afforded that...ever. Maybe the only peace she knew was AFTER she died. It's pretty sad when you have to die to get the peace you deserved.

It's not fair that she raised her four children, then two of her grandchildren, and when dad had his first stroke, she took care of HIM as well. I have a lot of anger in my heart in regards to dad. I have a lot of anger in my heart in regards to Brittany, my niece with whom my mom had the most problems. I want to get over the anger......sometimes. But I feel myself holding on to it. I blame her for a lot of my mom's stress and ultimate sickness. At one point, I did hate that girl. I am still terribly hurt when I look at her. Mainly because mom confided a lot in me with what was going on with Brittany. She even begged me to step in and be the bad guy and kick her out. So I did, on a few occasions. It didn't stick. Brittany would play mom like a fiddle and mom would feel so sorry for Brittany's kids that she would take them back in. So Brittany, like any grateful person who was jobless, homeless, diaper-less, money-less, would step up and pull her weight so mom wouldn't have to do anything but take care of dad.....oh wait, she didn't do that at all. She belittled my mom, she yelled at her, stole from her, threatened her, played my dad against her. Yeah, that's how she showed her appreciation for everything mom did for her. Nice, huh?

My mom's was a soft one. Brittany knew it. She knew just the right buttons to push. Mainly, she knew to go to grandpa to get whatever she wanted. How does one learn to mooch off people and still feel ok doing it? I will never understand that. How can one be so selfish and really not see the big picture and see the torture they put others through? How can they justify anything they do? If they're smart, they can't.

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