January 29, 2014

Passive Agressive? I call bullshit

I do not buy the 'passive aggressive' argument that it is a sickness. It's bullshit, really. How do I know this you ask? Am I a doctor, psychiatrist, scientist? No, I am a person who has, more often than I care to admit, used a passive-aggressive tactic. And I'm pretty sure I'm not sick. Maybe a little cranky at times, but not sick. I'm a capable, functioning human being.

Manic? Manic-depressive? Obsessive compulsive? Yes, I agree that those are closer to illnesses than being passive aggressive. Passive aggressive is...... just hateful. It's someone who is being rude, a bitch, a prick, a brat, you name it, that's what it is. Not a sickness. It's an attitude, and a bad one at that!  Get over yourselves folkies.  What you put out in the world you get back.  How about try a little tenderness?  Yes, that's the ticket.

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