November 16, 2006

Cough Cough, Sneeze Sneeze! ahhhhchooo!

Ok, was not such a good day. I was up all night coughing, sneezing, hacking. Couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep. Took Benedryl and it made me sleepy but only worked for about 3 hours. So I dragged my butt to the kitchen to take it regularly. A clearly thinking person would've just brought it to the bedroom with a drink so I didn't have to get out of bed. Guess I'm not thinking so clearly.

Anyway, I'm feeling a little better. I wish I was able to go to work because I had so much to do. It'll be there tomorrow 10 fold. Job security I figure. I was kinda happy that I got to see some of the daytime talk shows I usually miss, but I only saw about 15 minutes of each because I drifted off to sleep and missed them. Good thing for DVR!

Tomorrow will be a better day. I am getting up now (even though it's 6:30 in the evening) to take a shower and change my sheets because I'm a Virgo and I have to have things just right for every occasion, even if it involves coughing up phlegm. Tah tah for now.

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